By Larissa:
Leaving this lovely country will be bittersweet. On one hand, it is rewarding to know that we helped Bullet Tree Falls, but on the other, it is sad to be leaving this village full of love. By teaching the children about God and Catholicism, I conveyed the message of how to live a holy life. However, through teaching the kids about God's message, I was able to live in this light of God and live out His will. I learned how to let petty conflicts go and how to see God in everyone I encounter. The love and gratitude of the Bullet Tree Falls community allowed me to understand God's purpose and reason for sending me on this trip. As one girl mentioned in one of our group reflections, we don't need to be guilty about the lives we live and the things we have. Instead, we should embrace the life that God had given us and appreciate what we have. A quote my mother recently gave me states, "The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday." This applies to us because we should all try to be the best person we can be. This experience provided me with a good base of missionary work so I can continue to help others in Dallas. Our last night was heartbreaking. It was so sad to say goodbye to our friends, especially because of how much they appreciated us. Overall, I'm so glad we made these bonds because of what I taught others and what I learned about myself.
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